Everything is vibration.

Every cell in our body is made up of vibrating atoms and resonate with a frequency.

We are made from the same particles found on the other side of the galaxy.

Sound in harmony and symphony can deeply move us - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The work of Tesla, Davinci, Pythagorus (to name a few) all prove the scientific and mathematical theories surrounding the above statements. The more we look at the science, the more evidence we find to the interconnectedness of everything beyond our 5 senses. Everything is a vibration and amazing things happen when vibrations harmonise.

Sound has been used for centuries for rituals, healing and connecting to higher/altered states. Traditions of sound span the ancient globe, with some of the oldest spiritual texts speaking of the universe as cosmic vibration.

For more modern times, music is scientifically shown to stimulate areas in our brain. And let’s face it, we don’t need an academic study to know that when the DJ drops our tune, we’re feeling it!!!

Benefits of Sound

  • Accessing stillness and deep relaxation

  • Stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal

  • Engaging the parasympathetic nervous system

  • Producing a sense of ease and wellbeing

  • Improving sleep (increase melatonin)

  • Regulating breathing and heart rate

  • Balancing brainwave patterns

  • Regulating blood pressure

  • Releasing muscle tension

  • Reducing stress (lowering cortisol)

  • Helping alleviate depression and anxiety

  • Accessing meditative states

  • Mental clarity

  • Promoting interconnectedness

  • Connecting to higher self

  • Releasing natural mood boosting hormones (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin)

“If you want to discover the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

the levels

the levels


When you look at how sound effects water in Cymatics, you can begin to understand how this would create a beautiful harmony within our bodies since we are 50-60% water. Vibrations release tension in muscles and tissues, rejuvenate cells, increases circulation, triggers our parasympathetic nervous system, aids proper breathing and balances hormones.


The varying frequencies of sound can entrain our brainwaves into the beneficial Alpha, Theta, or Delta states, which can also be reached by sleep or meditation. Beta frequency is present during our waking, thinking and focused states and also times of high stress. Studies have shown that too much Beta can negatively effect our health. On the other hand Theta is very beneficial, coined as the ‘gateway to the subconscious mind’. Creating more balance between our wave states help us to feel at ease, have more clarity and sharpens the mind.


Our energy (or subtle) bodies may be unseen but they are very much real. Emotions can permeate every level of our being and we can often see very physical manifestations of negative emotions (think skin conditions such as eczema or gut conditions such as IBS). Sound waves, which are also unseen can help clear energetic stagnation through the encouragement of flow of energy (prana/chi).


If you are on a spiritual path, sound frequencies and specifically Fibonacci ratios can help us to connect to higher consciousness/higher self, which speaks to us in dreams and meditative states as an inner guide and voice of wisdom. Many people liken the altered states entered into through sound energy to ‘a high’.